Frontline Healing Foundation Buckle Image with Hyo Silver 600

Welcome Home Warriors

Jordyn Jureczki, CEO of Frontline Healing Foundation, Board Member & US Navy Veteran kindly took our Hyo Silver team on a private tour of Warriors Heart Facilities & Healing Center. What a treat!. She walked us through the true first impressions of what the intake process looks & feels like for healing warriors.

Warriors Heart is one of the few privately funded treatment centers dedicated specifically to “treat active military, veterans, firefighters, police, EMTs, struggling with addiction, or PTSD and addiction.” This 543 acre ranch specializes in caring for individuals that have faced hardships due to their commitment to our country and people. With a 90% completion rate, location is a lifeline for many in need of treatment. 

Touring the facility we were able to go inside each building as a new brother or sister would, making a stop in each facility and elective building dedicated to healing. Artistic works fill the grounds. From sculptures of previous residents to a permanent piece of  The War at Home Memorial, a national traveling memorial by Mission 22, these artworks resonate with pure unbounding emotion. We had the pleasure of meeting Art Instructor Dan Monreal. The art building is truly incredible. The art works evoke an eye-opening and inspiring experience, forcing emotions not only for the artist but for the viewer as well. These creations share true symbolism of what healing art forms look and feel like.


“We recover out loud so others don’t die quietly.”

Walking into the Wood and Metal Shop was enlightening to say the least. Artwork created by past and current brothers and sisters hung from floor to ceiling creating an environment pouring with creativity, inspiration and healing. Current warriors work on personal pieces building a foundation of turning broken and beaten scrap metal and leftover wood into a humbling piece of art. Being able to construct their emotions into a physical form is something, for most, didn’t know was possible. Frontline Healing Foundation, a 501(C)3 non-profit organization of Warriors Heart offers unique warrior-made items that help support other warriors. Items like a wooden United States Flag, US Flag Cross and Tomahawk are available to purchase as a donation where 100% of the proceeds go to the Frontline Healing Foundation. Shop Warrior Made items Here



We had the privilege of meeting service animals for substance abuse & PTSD recovery at their K9 Department. These wonderful animals are warriors themselves. Warriors Heart works with local kennels and shelters, saving dogs from high-kill facilities and long-term shelters, and training them up for a forever home filled with love and healing. Also working with the TSA Canine Adoption Program, dogs that are highly active and did not meet the TSA Canine Training Center’s criteria, allows these joyous service animals a slight career change to better serve healing hearts and minds. Each warrior has the ability to take home one of these service animals at the end of their time at Warriors Heart for continued support. 

WarriorsHeart2024Bubba – Resident Canine Helper

Treatment is not only with the mind, it is also with one’s body. Offering electives like Jiu Jitsu and Yoga allows warriors to build and actively work on a balance between trauma and daily life. This balance is crucial for a healing warrior. Being fully-engaged with your mind and body opens the door to empowering the will to survive when it’s otherwise nearly impossible to find. 

As we continued, Jordyn mentioned something that really stuck out and we couldn’t help but ruminate on it throughout the tour, and even well into the evening. We inquired about certain aspects of working with a foundation like this, and what kind of toll that must take on a person, both mentally and emotionally. 

With any high-stress work environment or career field, there are going to be particular things that go hand in hand with the tasks or situations you are responsible for. The ability to compartmentalize, or separate those conflicting thoughts to avoid discomfort, is a mechanism that is used abundantly in not only the military workforce, but also in first responders and law enforcement organizations all over. Working in these environments gives you a glimpse behind the curtain so to speak. “You see a different side of humanity,” Jordyn says, her words wrapped in with residual traces of memories she won’t soon forget.

At times throughout her own personal journey, she found herself surrounded with unpleasant and unnerving feelings that so many people can unfortunately relate to. She told us about how there were many times she felt not worthy of seeking out help or even receiving help. There was an overwhelming sense of not being deserving enough. The constant comparison was always in the back of her mind. Other service members and colleagues, who had gone through seemingly ‘tougher’ or worse situations or struggles were more deserving of help and support – but that’s the farthest thing from the truth. 

So many people, both veterans and civilians alike, struggle everyday with issues such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and various other internal and external obstacles that make it hard to function ‘normally’ within their communities, or even get out of bed each day. Personal relationships become strained, or even shattered, and at times it feels like there’s just not going to be a light at the end of that seemingly never ending tunnel. These are issues that don’t discriminate, no matter your position or rank.      

After a beat, we hear the words that hit home. “I try to be the person I needed” she says with a comforting and understanding tone, sending a chill and instantly igniting an eruption of goosebumps all over.

Every single day, 22 struggling American veterans succumb to suicide – unfortunately losing their personal battle to the invisible wounds of war. Stating with heart, Jordan says “The help is there. Don’t hesitate.” 

The Frontline Healing Foundation raises funds that help warriors find themselves and realize their tremendous value in the world we share; Hyo Silver is honored to sponsor the 2nd Annual Sporting Clay Fundraiser hosted at Staccato Rancho on Saturday June 22nd. The winner of the Frontline Sporting Clay Fundraiser Event receives “bragging rights” and a Hyo Silver Trophy Buckle! The event includes lunch, auction, and live music provided by Silence & Light; a modern hard rock band that uses their platform to raise awareness for mental health.


“Where your journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
– Welcome Home Warriors.

If you or anyone you know is in need of help, please don’t hesitate! 

GET HELP NOW!  (888) 598-4987
24/7 SUPPORT Available



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